Wednesday, November 03, 2010

saya nak jadi budak baik.


saya tidak tahu kenapa perasaan ini timbul , secara tiba-tiba saya rasa nak pakai tudung.
nak jaga perangai, taknak mengarut karut lagi, mencarut barut lagi, menggedik gedik lg, huru hara etc etc.

saya nak jadi budak baik.

itu dalam kotak fikiran saya sekarang ini. saya rasa lain.

mungkinkan satu perubahan yang baik akan berlaku? Inshaallah.

yang penting sekarang ini, jangan nak bersosial sangat, jaga diri perangai baik baik kan?
solat 5 waktu jangan abaikan sebab solat itu tiang agama.


positif sungguh Syafiqah Wan Suhaimi malam ini. haha
serius okay, tak main main ini

semoga semuanya berlaku secepat mungkin dan berkekalan dilandasan yang benar.

Si comel mata sepet pakai braces ;)

Okay, I love her, I just love to see her faceeeee. OMG!

like seriously, that girl sangat sangat sangat comel more than I mimpi dan berangan!

She's soooooooooooo cute man!

Jeng jeng jeng, Im gonna stalk you everyday girl :)

errr btw, saya bukan manusia yang suka sesama jenis mahupun suka kepada kedua dua jantina, tetapi saya sangat suka tengok perempuan2 comel. <3

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

BOOOO sun!

"Art is not what you see, but what you make others see"

okay, Im updating my blog.

err, yes I am.

HEHEE. its been a while kan I update nothing dekat this blog kan.
it is just I don't really know what should I say, less or more or whatever.

damn it. m bored, and m just a v v boringgggg person!

like whatever, m so not gonna care of it btw.

its been a week I left UiTM, done with my finals, and the most important thing is Im home, finally kan. :)

lots of thing to share eventho nothing special pon, well get attracted to someone's, she said,

They say "people come and go", but the truth is, no one really disappears from your life. People never really leave. THEIR ROLES JUST CHANGE..

this is fucking true man!

yes, I do believe that they don't walk away from our life, they just change their roles. kan?

deres nothing much to say, just I am missing somebody. busy perhaps, I wouldnt know.

The life getting sucks when I just realize that there is still an assignment, tak submit and Im doing nothing. damn it.

Now I am doing the assignment and remind me so much of him and m too bored to do all thse stupid stuffs(I don't think thse are stupid things, m being stupid I guess)

hahah mengarut sudah!

take care!